The Yellow Shovemarines

Surviving off-season – what we’ll be getting up to…

The Yellow Shovemarines
The Yellow Shovemarines. Image by Peter Harris.

This year has been pretty epic for the Liverpool Roller Birds.

During 2016 our Sisters of Mersey have been a force to be reckoned with, finishing the year sitting two places higher in the UKRDA rankings (now 17th) and having kept their place in Tier 2 at the British Championships.

Meanwhile, the Yellow Shovemarines have battled against teams from around the UK and Ireland – and have been undefeated in every game this season! The cherry on the cake for our Shoves was finishing the year as ‘Queens of the Northby coming out on top at our funsies tournament at home last month.

So it’s not surprising that now that December is here and the sound of sleigh bells are tinkling in the distance, that our Birds are hunkering down for off-season until January. But will they be sitting in their joggies on the sofa with mince pie crumbs on their chin? No way!** Off season is still a time to work on being an awesome derby player – just in a different, off-skates way.

Yes we’ll be missing our skates, but below are some of the things we’ll be getting up to instead, so we come out swinging in 2017! You can also find more helpful tips here, courtesy of the awesome Booty Quake.

**Well, maybe a FEW mince pies. We’re not Bonnie Thunders. Yet. 😉

Skaters in a wall
Robinson is going to have a well-earned rest 🙂 Image by Peter Harris.


I’ve started Pilates again and concentrating on my strength and conditioning at the gym. My main aim is to re-balance myself and take a bit of time for my body to recuperate.

Cali Floor’Ya

I’m not having much of a month off but I’m using the time to work on my skills and also sticking to a daily yoga challenge! I’m skating in a few different challenge games, going to a boot camp coached by Juke Boxx and another session taught by Tori Bee.  🙂

Bobby Mean

I’m deffo having a rest.  I’m a cross-over player so it feels like it’s been the longest season ever! I’m hoping my thumb injury gets better soon so I can get back to the gym and lift heavy stuff.

Spinderella - marathon
Spinny is going to keep up with her running!


Apart from eating a lot of mince pies, I will keep running for my fitness and would like to do some yoga to stretch out all those derby muscles. I do want to let my body rest a bit – I feel a bit battered!

Miss Trunchbrawl

I definitely want to rest but I don’t want to lose any flexibility, so I’m asking my team mates for some tips to help with this – maybe yoga! I’m also going to find time to re-watch all of our games this year – cause we’re boss.

Basha Bloodaxe

I am going to be working on my strength this month and getting a plan in place to continue in the new year. As the current Training Director I’m encouraging all the Birds to make the most of our very short off month and to rest any niggles.

Two women lifting a tyre
Lula (left) is going to keep on strength training. (Hide your car tyres!)

Lula Bruise

I’m going to carry on with strength training circuits and Metafit sessions – to help me to get jumpier and more agile! It has been a long season, so I’m looking forward to resting physically but also re-setting my ‘derby brain’. I’m deffo getting a sports massage too.

Disco Carnage

I’m gonna go to strong woman sessions to be strong, work on my mobility and sort out a ‘derby brain’ session with my team-mates at my place…yanno: beer, hanging out, rules swotting and footage watching!