Liverpool Roller Birds – New Skater Perspective – “Like I’ve Only Just Started Living!”

Our newest skaters to join the Liverpool Roller Birds had the exciting opportunity of taking part in the rookie game at the Triple Header held on at Greenbank.

These skaters started out in our ‘hatchlings’ programme and passed their minimum skills earlier in the year, then began training with the teams.

We caught up with them after the rookie game to get a new skater perspective.

Just looking at the smiles in the picture, and the energy radiating from them as they spoke about their experience says it all!

Picture of six team members wearing Liverpool Roller Birds tops.

What challenges did they face on the day?

All of these skaters said they felt nervous before the game. This was due to a feeling of not knowing what’s going to happen, and a feeling of being out on their own as they’re used to training with the A & B teams.

During the game

They felt that the training they do with the A& B teams stood them in good stead with a lot of relevant experience.

“Playing against similar level gave me more confidence to have a voice”

“It’s put into perspective how much we have grown”

How did they feel after the game?


“I feel like I’ve only just started living”

“It’s like there was nothing before”

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