Tinkerhell Fighting Crime With Science

TinkerhellWhen our very own Liverpool Roller Bird and super jammer Tinkerhell is not causing havoc for blockers on the track, she is fighting crime with science.

Tink’s name may be cute but as a forensic scientist this Bird can bust the most serious of criminals with her analytical skills. Working for a forensic science company, she has been involved in some of the most high profile cases in the country.


Attending crime scenes is one of the more exciting aspects but there is a gritty side. In fact Tink admits she has become a bit of an expert on bodily fluids of all things, adding: “If it comes out of you I’ve sniffed it”.

It is something she always wanted to do, ever since watching Murder Detectives on Channel Five as a teenager. After studying a degree in Molecular Biology she completed a Masters in Forensic Science and went on to fulfill her dream. Yes, not only is she awesome on the track but she’s a little bit clever too!

When asked what she loves most about the job, Tink said: “I love the stories, getting a new case and reading what’s gone on is like a mini crime novel everyday – except it’s true!

She added: “I like formulating the strategies on how to examine a case, there’s so many different evidence types and if you don’t think it through properly and you miss something you can’t go back!  You have to have a bit of imagination to think about the circumstances.”

Getting that vital piece of evidence that can be crucial to a court case is one of the most rewarding parts of the job. She admits it can be surreal giving evidence in court – a bit like being in a TV series. But it’s not all like an episode of CSI, especially when it comes to things like having to analyse a half-eaten sandwich at the scene of a burglary.

Fitting roller derby around such a busy career can be a task but she is determined to keep up with practice.

Tink said: “It can be tough, sometimes it takes it out of you and is generally long, long days so you feel so tired and don’t want to go to practice but I always force myself to go. It never fails to cheer me up and make me feel good.”







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