Zombie Squad….Get Your Skates On!!!!!

Love Roller Derby???
Love Zombies???

Of course you say.

Come along and meet some of your favorite Roller Girls from the Liverpool Roller Birds at our next fundraising event, “Zombie Squad Movie Night”

That’s right, what more do you want from a Sunday afternoon, blood, brains and birds!!!!!!

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The Pilgrim will be the venue for this most marvelous murderous mayhem.
So whilst peering precariously over your partners shoulder, not only can you enjoy some popcorn, but you can also indulge in a pint as well.

There is going to be a raffle in which you can win one of our blood spattered Rollerbird Zombie tees, zombie cupcakes and more.
Plus why not visit our zombification booth in which you can live out all your secret fantasies and become the zombie you have always longed to be.


Feel free to get yourself Zombied up, for the best zombie will win FREE entry into our next Zombie Squad Event.

So bring on the gore, as much or as little as you wish.
Don’t want to be a baddie?
Dress as your favorite zombie Slayer.
Fancy yourself as Alice ( Resident Evil) or Ash ( Evil Dead)?
Cricket bats at the ready!!!

Want some inspiration, check out our facebook page, its full of lots of…. erm delicious things.

Get your diarys ready then…….

Sunday 3rd March
Pilgrim Pub, Liverpool

Movie screenings

£4 on the door.

We really hope to see you there.





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